MAC addresses are 12-digit hexadecimal numbers (48 bits in length). By convention, MAC addresses are usually written in one of the following two formats:
The first half of a MAC address contains the ID number of the adapter manufacturer. These IDs are regulated by an Internet standards body. The second half of a MAC address represents the serial number assigned to the adapter by the manufacturer.In the example,
00:A0:C9:29:B8:36The prefix 00A0C9 indicates the manufacturer is Intel Corporation.
MAC Spoofing is a technique of changing an assigned Media Access Control (MAC) address of a networked device to a different one. The changing of the assigned MAC address may allow the bypassing of access control list on servers or routers either hiding a computer on a network or allowing it to impersonate another computer.
MAC spoofing is the activity of altering the MAC address of network cards .
In windows change of MAC address can be change by editing the registry or via "My Network Places" . To change the MAC address via Network Places
go to properties of "local Area Connection", press configure.. button then go to advance tag
In advance tag select Local Administrative Address ,
select value radio button and insert any MAC address you want.
To alter the MAC via the registry, open the Windows Registry Editor and change the appropriate values.
The value " NetworkAddress" is located in a subkey under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}.
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